Ukuqonda iimpawu ezisebenzayo zecandelo ngalinye leoksijini kunye negesi enokutsha yegesi

The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is an efficient gas detection instrument that can simultaneously detect the oxygen content and combustible gas concentration in the environment. Isixhobo sisebenzisa itekhnoloji ye-zircocon, enemilinganiselo yobuntununtunu obungaphezulu, ngokuchanekileyo nangokuzinza kakuhle. It can monitor the gas concentration in real time and display the data in digital form, so that users can quickly understand the gas environment status.


The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is composed of multiple components, each of which has different functions and characteristics. Masifunde kunye nabo.

I-1. I-Ensor. Inzwa yeli licandelo eliphambili lokulinganisa umxholo weoksijini kunye nokuguqulwa kwegesi. Ngemilinganiselo yeoksijini, i-ziirconsia ye-oxygenzihlala zisetyenziswa, ezivelisa imiqondiso yombane esekweKwimpendulo yekhemikhali phakathi kweoksijini kunye ne-electrode. Kwimilinganiselo yegesi enokutsha, iintlobo ezahlukeneyo zenzwa, zinokusetyenziswa, njengezinzwa ze-vatasutic okanye izinzwa zenzwa.

2. Ukubonisa kunye nephaneli yokulawula. Isibonisi sihlala sikwisixhobo esingaphambili kwaye isetyenziselwa ukubonisa iziphumo zemilinganiselo kunye nolunye ulwazi olufanelekileyo. Iphaneli yokulawula ixhotywe ngamaqhosha ahlukeneyo kunye namaqhina okumisela indlela yokusebenza kunye nokulungelelanisa iiparamitha.

I-3. Inkqubo yempompo okanye isampulu. Eli candelo lisetyenziselwa ukuzoba irhasi ukuba ilinganiswe kwindalo esingqongileyo ilinganiswe kwisixhobo sohlalutyo. Inkqubo yempompo okanye isampulu inokuqinisekisa ukuhamba nokuzinza kwesampulu yegesi ukufumana iziphumo ezichanekileyo.

4. Inkqubo yokugcina idatha kunye neenkqubo zokuhambisa. These systems allow users to save measurement data internally or transmit it to external devices wirelessly or by wire for subsequent analysis and documentation .

Ngokubanzi, izinto ezahlukeneyo zeIoksijini kunye ne-enfutshane yegesi yegesi sebenza kunye ukubonelela ngomxholo ochanekileyo nothembekileyo yeoksijini kunye nokulinganisa kwegesi yegesi. The instrument has the characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, easy to use and portability, and has broad application prospects in fields such as environmental monitoring, industrial safety and gas detection.